You are what you love
I like New Year’s Resolutions. I know we’re almost 3 weeks into the new year and many resolutions have most likely been broken. But I still like the idea of fresh starts. In my faith tradition, there are moments throughout the year where we celebrate fresh starts, new resolutions. One of them is Lent and the other is Advent (Christmas season). Lent occurs in February and its forty days of seeking renewal, a fresh start. Spiritual traditions recognize the need to forgive and heal from past mistakes and broken promises.
Yet the problem with most new resolutions is that many of us break the commitments we make:
No more smoking
No more sweets
I’m going to workout 5 times a week
(Fill in your own)
In James K.A. Smith’s book, “You Are What You Love”, he states that most of us have adopted Descartes’ famous line, “I think, therefore I am”. This is causing us to believe that if we get more knowledge about something and think it through, it will automatically produce the changes we want. However, we are not only thinking beings (i.e. “You are what you think”). We are beings with deep desires and passions. And we are most committed to the things we love! “I love, therefore I am.” It is more accurate to say that you are what you love. We are humans that are essentially after something. In philosophical terms, there is a telos, a goal and end we are aiming for. We are driven beings!
RESET - Set an intention this week (During the next week, I will process what I want/desire for a good life).
REVIEW - Let your deepest desires shape your goals. Review what it is you truly want. For example, I want to be a loving husband that puts things back where they belong. This is a commitment I’ve made this year! LOL
RENEW - We all need a community of support that offers us grace and truth. Find a few friends or mentors to meet with and discuss your new intentions for renewal this year.