Self-Care Practices
February is a special month that focuses on Black History Month, the Super Bowl, and Love!
For Black History Month, I’m attending a few events that highlight the need for ongoing healing and justice. God knows we all need it.
For the Super Bowl, we are hosting neighbors and friends as a conviction and value that we need connection and community.
For the month of love, the focus is on self-care practices. The new year offers a fresh start, putting off the old year with its bumps and bruises. We embrace the new year with hope and joy.
For February, the Thriving Center put together this great self-care and practices Calendar Board. It’s a way to deepen the spirit of love in ourselves and with others. Self-care is not about turning on Netflix, scrolling on our phones, and numbing out (although, a good movie and scrolling for a little bit IS entertaining and fun). Self-care is about the care of our heart, mind, and body. It’s checking in with ourselves to see how we’re doing.
The more we can attend to our selves in healthy ways, the better we can attend and attune to others in the workplace, at home, and in our friendships. The hope is to be more loving as we progress in life.
For those with a spiritual background that want to lean into God’s love, here’s a link that was connected to the month of love calendar. As always, I am not here to peddle or push my own faith. God only knows how horrible that actually works. It’s just a resource.